South Africa went into national lockdown on 26 March 2020, a decision that built on a global consensus of what it takes to slow the rate of infection of Covid-19. Productive economic activities were halted and resulted in dire social consequences on the livelihoods of the poor, visibly causing overwhelming levels of hunger. This meant that principal caregivers in many households had more mouths to feed, including children who would normally benefit from the National School Feeding Programmes as all schools had to close. Furthermore, the loss of jobs and opportunities for self-employment were affected leaving many people with no income to support their families and provide necessities such as food.
In response to the government’s call to action in containing and preventing the spread of the virus, IDC’s Corporate Social Investment (CSI) focused on providing Covid-19 related support to various communities across the country in partnership with community-based organisations and non-government organisations. To date, the IDC has disbursed R4,912,426.00 providing support to more than 7,387 beneficiaries including 72 Soup Kitchens across the country with food parcels. The support was stretched to Women Shelters and Thuthuzela Care Centers through the provision of hygiene dignity packs to 1400 beneficiaries across the country. IDC’s Social relief efforts reached deep rural areas from as far Sidlamafa in Mpumalanga to Springbok in Northern Cape.
IDC is proud of the generous donations made by IDC employees and Board members in response to the National call to action. Over a period of three months, donations amounting to the total value of R283 000,00 were collected for the National Solidarity Fund.
IDC continues to provide social relief to vulnerable communities across the country with the aim of aiding government interventions in combating the spread of Covid-19 and addressing food security. IDC acknowledges its partners who are at the forefront of preventing the spread of the virus and most importantly addressing social challenges faced by many South Africans.