IDC Funded Business Partners

IDC Funded Business Partners

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IDC-DPEP/FPEP/ Prescribed Officer Register


IDC-Funded Business Partner List 2022/23 FY


IDC-funded Business Partner List 2021/22 FY


IDC-funded Business Partners Q1 to Q4 of 2021/22 FY


IDC-funded Business Partners Q1 to Q4 of 2020/21 FY


IDC-funded Business Partners Q1 to Q3 of 2020/21 FY


IDC-funded Business Partners Q1 – Q4 of 2019/20 FY


IDC-funded Business Partners 2018/2019 FY


The Least Developed Countries Report 2014

unctad-thumbThe United Nations Economic and Social Council reviews the list of “least developed countries” every three years, based on three criteria: per capita income; human assets; and economic vulnerability. The Least Developed Countries Report highlights three policy priorities as part of a post-2015 development agenda: mobilising resources for investment in such a way as to maximize their development impact; directing these resources towards economic activities that will contribute decisively to transforming their economies; and establishing macroeconomic policies that promote investment and demand growth rather than inhibiting them. Diversifying rural economies must also be a principal element of the transformation if poverty is to be eradicated. Read the full report here.

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development: Trade and Development Report, 2013

UNCTADFive years after the onset of the global financial crisis the world economy remains in a state of disarray. Strong expansionary monetary policies in the major developed economies have not succeeded in fostering credit creation and strengthening aggregate demand. Fiscal austerity and wage compression in many developed countries are further darkening the outlook, not only for the short term, but also for the medium term. The burden of adjustment of the global imbalances that contributed to the outbreak of the financial crisis remains with the deficit countries, thus strengthening deflationary forces in the world economy. Read the report here [pdf 640kb].

North West Renewable Energy Draft Strategy

The North West province is developing a Renewable Energy Strategy that will provide guidance to stakeholders and assign roles and responsibilities for the development and production of renewable energy in a sustainable manner. The strategy aims to improve the North West Province’s environment, reduce the province’s contribution to climate change, and alleviate energy poverty, whilst promoting economic development and job creation in the province whilst developing its green economy. Read the draft strategy here [pdf 2mb].