

Through Community-Based Paralegalism, Hlanganisa addresses Gender-Based Violence, assisting those affected to get the help they need.

Location of work

  • Free State
  • Limpopo
  • Mpumalanga
  • North West


Total number of Participants to be employed via SEF



What problem are you solving?

Addressing Gender-Based Violence through Community-Based Paralegalism


Snippet of a quote from a participant:

“I can now feed my family while working for the community”


One memorable statement relevant to the SIP: (examples)

The Sisterhood Advocates (SHA) project interfaces with survivors of gender-based violence who often not informed about where to go when they experience violence. SHAs accompany survivors of GBV to lay charges with local SAPS, apply for protection/maintenance order as well as referring them to local domestic violence shelters. The total number of women assisted to date is 19 666.

The Sisterhood Advocates (SHA) project interfaces with survivors of gender-based violence who often not informed about where to go when they experience violence.